An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

FAITH FOR ALL OF LIFE PODCAST | Insights & Interviews

Vol. 12 - Faith for All of Life Podcast - Interview with Martin Selbrede, Vice President of Chalcedon, discussing Jeff Sharlet's article in Harper's Magazine.

With Chris Ortiz

Chris Ortiz and Martin Selbrede examine Christian historical revisionism. Selbrede responds to the fallacious charges leveled against Rushdoony by Jeff Sharlet (a secular Jew) in Harper's Magazine. Critics declare Christian Reconstruction do be all but dead, yet they dedicate so much ink in refutation of the doctrine. This podcast is a must-hear for those who to hear a truly Christian apologetic, i.e. one defends the Christian mission.

Listen Online >> MP3 | Flash

Historical Revisionism: Why All the Fuss?

This podcast is a response to the Harper's Magazine article that you can read by clicking here:

Through a Glass, Darkly

How the Christian right is reimagining U.S. history

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