An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Great Gains in Prison Ministry

United States (MNN) -- Next, Crossroad Bible Institute is taking spiritual warfare to a new level inside prisons in the U-S. They now have more than 40-thousand active students even though Islam is the fastest growing religion among inmates. President of Crossroad Bible Institute David Schuringa says this growth is due to the battles going on there. "The cults are extremely active these days in the prisons as well as Satanism and Wicca. So, the frontlines of spiritual warfare definitely are occurring in America's prisons you know, which typifies our culture and the culture wars that we're in." Some inmates first join just to receive the letters instructors send. Schulinga says, "I think it's very possible that you have people who are not committed Christians yet, who take the course but then they get hooked on God's word and with the love of God's people and those letters and find out it's the real deal." Volunteer instructors are always needed.

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