An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 13, 2007

Dawkins says religion is "like sucking a dummy"

dummy n : pacifier, [German sauger]

Professor Richard Dawkins has described religious believers as “sucking on dummies” for comfort and said that giving children a religious education was comparable to “erecting a firewall in their minds” against scientific truth. Debating in London on the subject: “Are we better off without religion?”, he said religion was like “a child with a dummy in its mouth. I do not think it a very dignified or respect-worthy posture for an adult to go around sucking a dummy for comfort.” When his opponents, who included Rabbi Julia Neuberger and philosopher Roger Scruton, argued that “the religious gene” is in all of us, and it was part of the human condition to search for meaning, Dawkins replied: “Speak for yourself. It is not a part of me. It is not a part of the great majority of my friends in universities in England and the US and elsewhere.” The debate ranged from religious inspiration in art, to the human capacity for good and evil. You can read a full account via Times Online

Full story: Read the original story, published 16 hrs ago
Complete Coverage: 1 more version of this story is available

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