An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, May 14, 2007

Who owns your church property?

Conflict over property is as old as the Bible itself. It is both wise and prudent to acknowledge the problem and seek equitable solutions.

Who owns the church?
This question, and the related issue of "trust clauses" which, if enforceable, give control over local church property to national denominations, has become a matter of heightened interest.

Theological divisions within American mainline churches elevate such earthly questions to a critical concern. This book offers an indispensable guide to navigating the troubled waters surrounding potential court disputes over local church property ownership and use.

Leading scholars, theologians and attorneys from the Presbyterian Church (USA), the United Methodist Church and the Episcopal Church (USA), experienced in advising on church property issues, have collaborated to create this timely and useful volume. With clarity and insight, Raymond J. Dague, Peggy M. Hedden, Robert L. Howard, Lloyd J. Lunceford, R. Wicks Stephens II, Thomas C. Oden and Parker T. Williamson furnish essential orientation and share instructive steps to help evaluate and resolve competing claims to church property.
Order Now!
A Guide to Church Property Law:
Theological, Constitutional and Practical Considerations

ISBN: 0-9711919-6-4

Hardbound $28.95
($3.50 shipping and handle for hardbound.)

Paperbound $18.95
($2.50 shipping and handle for paperbound.)

Call Reformation Press: 1-800-368-0110

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