An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Evangelicals at a Crossroad: A Dialogue

Three Bethel University professors discuss the historic significance and present health of evangelicalism.
by Chris Armstrong | December 2, 2009
This past summer two professors at Bethel University, St Paul, Minnesota and one at sister institution Bethel Seminary (me!) were invited to participate in a recorded dialogue that would become a printed piece in the schools’ magazine. The three of us, guided by questions posed by a moderator, considered where evangelicalism is today and where it may be headed.
By necessity tentative and partial, our wide-ranging conversation nonetheless raised some important issues. When we were done, we had a meaty article, of which (for reasons of space) only a brief portion ended up being printed in the magazine.
Though somewhat longer than our typical blog posting, we offer the full edited article (“never before published,” as the marketing wallahs might say) in hopes that it will spark some conversation among our readers who care about the historical movement called evangelicalism: Read on here……

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