An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tiny New Orleans congregation defeats denominational superpowers

BATON ROUGE - In a sweeping Declaratory Judgment and Permanent Injunction on behalf of the 20-member Carrollton Presbyterian Church, the 19th Judicial District Court of Louisiana has ordered "the Presbytery of South Louisiana of the Presbyterian Church (USA), its officers, agents, employees and counsel, and any persons or entities in active concert or participation with the presbytery, or acting by or through the presbytery or on its behalf or in its stead" to leave Carrollton's property alone.
The order, signed by Judge Kay Bates on Dec. 4, warns the presbytery and any higher PCUSA governing body that may consider itself connected to it not to initiate "any disciplinary or other retaliatory action" against Carrollton's ministers, officers or members, "which directly or indirectly arises from or is connected to any property issue raised in, prompted by, or related to the subject matter of this litigation." Read the rest of the story ... 

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