An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, February 18, 2010

News You Can Use

Juan Hernandez, whose guitar was stolen a couple of weeks ago, has received offers of guitars and cash.
A father defies a court order by taking his 3-year-old daughter to a Catholic church.
Girls are more likely to text, call, and change their music than boys, according to the report.
The Dixie Square Mall, featured in the "Blues Brothers" movie, likely will be demolished in March, but that hinges on Attorney General Lisa Madigan.
NEW YORK — An international press freedom watchdog said that 2009 saw a record number of journalists killed, including the single worst massacre in the Philippines, as well as an increase in journalists jailed, fueled by the crackdown in Iran.
A portrait of destruction, a promise for a better future
Since it was devastated by an earthquake Jan. 12, Haiti has been synonymous with death, destruction and misery. But a month later, out from under the rubble has come a sign of the irrepressible human spirit that makes this tragic country someplace special.
(By Edward Cody, The Washington Post)
Uganda and moral colonialism
Is anyone willing to support the nation's anti-gay legislation?
(By Kathleen Parker, The Washington Post)
Malaria Is a Likely Killer in King Tut’s Post-Mortem
The application of advanced radiological and genetic techniques to Egyptian mummies is a new step in the reach of historical inquiry through science.
A Muslim Son, a Murder Trial and Many Questions
A family struggles with how Abdulhakim Mujahid Muhammad went from a Baptist childhood in Tennessee to killing a soldier at a recruiting station in Arkansas, claiming ties to Al Qaeda.

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