While there are many studies and commentaries on the book of Acts, few focus on the amazing achievement of the people found within its narrative. The first Christians chronicled in Acts turned the world upside down in the space of a generation. In this book Michael Green opens up the gripping story of Acts, highlighting the volcanic eruption of faith described there and comparing it to the often halfhearted Christianity of the modern Western world.
The Book of Acts has so much to say to our half-hearted and cold-blooded Christianity in the western world. It rebukes our preoccupation with buildings and ministerial pedigree, our syncretism and pluralism, our lack of expectancy and vibrant faith. As such it is a book supremely relevant for our time.
Combining trusted scholarship with a popular, enjoyable writing style, Thirty Years That Changed the World is an ideal book for church, group, or personal study. Green explores the life and faith of the Christians of Acts, answering such questions as: What kind of people were they? How did they live? and How did they organize and practice as members of the new church? Besides unveiling the nature of life in the early church, Green discusses how we today can apply the first Christians’ dynamic efforts at church planting, pastoral care, social concern, gospel proclamation, and prayer.
The Christian faith has been around so long that it is easy to forget what it was like when it was new. Thirty Years that Changed the World examines different elements in the impact which the first century Christians made on the world of their day. If we are prepared to pay the price and follow their example, the gospel they proclaimed and embodied can and will transform society. And few things are more needed than that.
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