An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, June 27, 2011

E-Vangel Newsletter from Christ United Methodist Church

June 27, 2011

Christ United Methodist Church
“Christ in the Heart of San Diego”
3295 Meade Avenue
San Diego, CA 92116
(619) 284-9205

Pastorgraphs: “Dream Job”

Yep, you are tired of hearing about my retirement. Me too! But I would be remiss if I did not say “thank you” for the wonderful pot-luck fellowship yesterday, the gifts, memories and well wishes. It was Jim Thompson’s last Sunday at Christ Church, too. He and I have been “a team” for a dozen years at Christ Church, and we will miss Jim’s superb music. Blessings to you, Jim, as you enter a new phase of your music ministry. (Thanks Jeannetta, for the photo.)

Why did I retire? So I may have time to get some work done! ;-)

Not that I did not work before (holding down three jobs at once). But now I get to work on the projects and ministries that are dearest to my heart.

My new job in retirement is my “dream job”. As Director of Christ Ministry Center, I get to continue my tri-vocational career (minister-teacher-tech dude) in ways that were not possible before retirement.

One of my goals is testing some innovations to “reach the world” using technology. Unlike the Apostle Paul and John Wesley, who had to travel vast distances to reach their world, today we have the world at our doorstep.

Way back in 1977 in Atlanta, I bought my first personal computer (a Radio Shack TRS-80 - 4K of RAM for $500). It changed my life. I knew immediately technology would open new doors, allowing churches to more effectively and efficiently do our ministries.

So strongly was I convinced of that fact, technology-in-the-church was the theme of my doctoral dissertation at Columbia Theological Seminary. Most of the professors on my dissertation board laughed at the idea, saying computers were “just a fad” and would never find a place in a church office or pastor’s study. I must have presented a strong enough case, because with skepticism they approved the dissertation.

Churches continue to be late adopters of innovation; partly because of limited finances, and (quite frankly) because the church does not like change! In retrospect, I have been a technology evangelist, trying to help my colleagues embrace those technologies that make us better ministers and churches. Now, in retirement, with the help of some brilliant technical minds, I hope to apply innovations for sharing the Good News and helping those in need.

I am keenly aware how bless I am. In this economy, with so many out of work and unable to find ANY job, it is such a privilege to do what one loves doing. Someone has rightly said, “Success is being able to earn a living doing what you love to do.” So finally, I can say I am a success!

Thank you, Lord, for giving me this opportunity to continue serving you by ministering to our neighbors in San Diego around the world.

Parson Bill

NOTE: July 1, we launch our new, AWESOME website. It will be the same web address,, but will expand to focus on Christ Ministry Center and the 25 entities that serve from our facilities.

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