An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Grandma Scam on the Rise; Seniors Warned to Take Care

The District Attorney's Office is warning the public about an ongoing scam targeting the elderly.  Law enforcement has seen an increase in the number of reported victims in the so-called "Grandma Scam." 

Grandma ScamCrooks prey on grandparents by pretending to be a grandchild in trouble in a foreign country who needs money right away.  The scam is
DA Dumanis warns seniors about the "Grandma Scam." Anna (right) is a recent victim. She wired about $3,000 to Mexico.
effective because it catches seniors off guard and tugs at their heartstrings. 

"It may be hard to believe that someone would fall for this despicable scam," DA Dumanis said. "But, it happens all too often. Our office urges the public to spread the word on how the scam works so we can reduce the number of victims."

The Employees of the San Diego District Attorney, in partnership with the Community we serve, are dedicated to the pursuit of truth, justice and protection of the innocent, and the prevention of crime through the vigorous and professional prosecution of those who violate the law.

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