An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, July 18, 2011


Dear Friends and Members of the Presbytery of San Diego, 

The Presbytery of San Diego has always been a SPIRITUAL community of believers in Jesus Christ.  However, we used to be primarily a governing body.  In the present, we are primarily a RELATIONAL community.  In the future, we hope to become primarily a MISSION agency.  Although we obviously occupy a geographical area, our identity, our DNA, has been mostly shaped and formed by our spiritual, missional, and relational actions.  Our desire is to discern what the Holy Spirit is up to in our region and participate in the mission of God in this place.  It’s not that the Church of God has a mission, but that the God of mission has a Church. We want to make a difference in our communities, and persuade as many other believers, churches, and missional Christian communities to do the same.  To God be the glory!

Clark Cowden, Executive Presbyter

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