An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, November 7, 2013

NAE Update November 2013

November 2013

Do Evangelicals Like Being Called Evangelicals?
For the most part, evangelical leaders like the label “evangelical,” but not all do. Among the board members of the NAE, 88 percent said they like being called an evangelical while 11 percent said they do not. (read more)

Contraception Mandate Should Go to Supreme Court
The NAE joined with several other organizations to ask the Supreme Court to hear two cases involving the mandate in the Affordable Care Act requiring employers to cover contraception for their employees even if it violates their moral beliefs. (read more)

Advent Conspiracy
World Relief and Advent Conspiracy have created resources including sermon notes, children’s curriculum, bulletin inserts, small group materials and a video to help churches worship fully, spend less, give more and love all this Advent season. (learn more)

Bible Reading Guides
The NAE’s Thru the Bible Guides offer a chronological list of daily Scripture readings with Psalms on Sunday. The 2014 guides are available in packages of 50, 250 or 500. Order some for your church, stocking stuffers or Christmas cards. (order now)

Member Spotlight: Christian Reformed Church in North America
The Christian Reformed Church in North America has recently been recognized for the generosity of their members who on average gave 6.1 percent of their incomes to the church. This is dramatically higher than other Protestant denominations. (read more)

Article Spotlight: Supreme Court Divided on Prayer
CNN – Should prayers to God open government meetings? That's the controversial question a divided Supreme Court debated on Wednesday. At oral arguments about whether public prayers at a New York town's board meetings are permissible, the high court took a broad look at the country's church-state history and even the Supreme Court's own traditions. (read more)

Event Spotlight: National Marriage Week
It’s not too soon to plan for National Marriage Week USA, February 7-14. The annual campaign asks churches to host a marriage class or event and post it on the national calendar. Showing national growth for marriage education will get the attention of national media! (read more)

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