An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sheep and Goats ~ Ku Sang (1919–2004) a Korean poet

Ku Sang | San Diego Reader

Ku SangSheep and Goats ~ Ku Sang (1919–2004) was a Korean poet who began his writing career as a journalist in North Korea. After the end of World War II, Communist authorities resisted his efforts to publish poetry and so Sang fled south. He became a regular contributor to the Seoul daily Kyonghyang. Besides verse, Sang also wrote essays on literature, social issues, and religion. His poetry is marked by an imagistic directness and plain style, which, translator Brother Anthony describes as “the evocation of a personal moment of perception…where the poem frequently turns into a meditation on the presence of Eternity in the midst of time.”

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