An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

EVANGELICAL INSIGHT Winter 2013/14 ­Newsletter

Winter 2013/14 ­Newsletter

How Christian Mission Can Contribute to Halting Poverty
By Luis Cortes, President of Esperanza

There are nearly 50 million impoverished people in the United States, according to the federal definition of poverty. Fifteen percent of the people in our country don't have enough money for basic things like food, clothing and shelter. And this overwhelming number speaks only to physical poverty; it doesn't address other — arguably more important — forms of poverty, such as spiritual, educational or emotional. Armed with this information, what is our responsibility? Even more so, what is the express purpose for which God created us? (read more)

What's a Suburban Church to Do?
By Brian Fikkert, Executive Director of The Chamers Center and Professor of Economics & Community Development at Covenant College

Many suburban churches are reawakening to their biblical mandate to help the poor. But they are also realizing that alleviating poverty isn't as simple as passing out turkeys or toys once a year. Poverty alleviation is a long process, one that requires walking alongside poor people over time in ways that are highly relational and empowering. Unfortunately, because suburban churches are not geographically situated in materially poor communities, it is often difficult for them to develop the long-term relationships that are central to poverty alleviation. But make no mistake about it: Suburban churches do have a vital role to play!  (read more)

Together — Churches for the Poor
By Leith Anderson, NAE President

On June 2, 1944, General Dwight Eisenhower issued his Order of the Day to Allied troops preparing for the Normandy landing: "The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you." There were lots of doubts and plenty of critics. Bad weather. Soldiers from different countries with different styles. Predictions of cost were high, both in human lives and military resources. It might not work. (read more)

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