An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Ignatius Insight - WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2015

WEDNESDAY, July 15, 2015 | St. Bonaventure, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

ESSAYS and POSTS about progressive Catholic authoritarianism, Francis and capitalism, the "Benedict option", monuments and idols, Robert Hugh Benson, divinization and liturgy, and much more!

Progressive Catholic Authoritarianism: An Enduring Problem | George Weigel | As old-fashioned Catholic liberalism has morphed into today’s “progressive” Catholicism, forms of authoritarian bullying, shaming, and exclusion have become commonplace.

Francis, Capitalism, and Catholic Social Teaching | Fr. Robert Barron | Pope Francis's remarks about the capitalist economy, though strong and even a bit exaggerated, are best understood in the framework of Catholic social teaching.

Would Alasdair MacIntyre Live in a “Benedict Option” Community? | Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille | For all the intriguing ideas that seem to huddle under the capacious canopy of the “Benedict option", there are three lingering doubts about it

Monument, Idols, and Tolerance | James V. Schall, S.J. | What we have now is rapidly changing because we do not really look at or understand the philosophies of the real iconoclasts of our time.

Health Care Rights of Conscience: An Endangered Species | Sister Renée Mirkes | Our new legal landscape will continue to impel religious health care professionals to defend the basic goods of marriage and family.

The Fiction of Robert Hugh Benson | Ann Applegarth | Pope Francis and his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI have encouraged Catholics to read Robert Hugh Benson’s Lord of the World. But Benson was not a one-novel novelist.

Divinization, Liturgy, and Evangelization | Dr. Jared Ortiz | The proper context for thinking about divinization is the liturgy, for God has chosen the liturgy as the primary locus for communicating his divine life.

Catholics and the Administered Society | James Kalb | In order to maximize control, the social justice/social services state must minimize man. What can be done?

Summer Reading: Marriage and Sexuality Edition | Dr. Leroy Huizenga | Eight books on marriage, sex, and family for those who would spend serious time thinking deeply about what marriage is and what the future might hold.

Mother Miriam's Heart for the Family and Church | Jim Graves | The founder of Daughters of Mary, Mother of Israel’s Hope discusses her conversion from Judaism, religious habits, family life, and current social upheaval.

Justice Thomas, Marriage, and the Question of Dignity | Mark Brumley | Advocates claim that dignity demands that the state recognize same-sex unions as marriage. Are they right?

First Chapters: Poor Banished Children | Fiorella de Maria | "Death has come for me again. The others are already lost. I heard their screams as I was cast into the night; I heard them cursing as they burned or drowned..."

How to Read the Bible and Still Be a Christian | Dr. Matthew J. Ramage | "If God exists, he is not the God of the Christian Bible." At least this is the conclusion drawn by many prominent authors and cultural commentators in our society today.

Lessons From the Christian East | Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille | The twentieth anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II apostolic letter "Orientale Lumen" is an occasion to reflect on what can be learned from Eastern Catholics.

Playing Along With the Lie | William Kilpatrick | The establishment understands that a joke directed at Bruce Jenner is also directed at them.

The Surprising Riches of the Ragpicker | K. V. Turley | Fr. Paul Glynn's The Smile of a Ragpicker: The Life of Satoko Kitahara is an excellent biography of a figure deserving to be better known in the West.

Karl Marx and the Revolutionary Roots of Redefining Marriage | Dr. Ann Hendershott | Dr. Paul Kengor's Takedown traces the roots of the “anti-family” movement through the history of socialists and communists.

Marriage? What’s That? | Fr. Dwight Longenecker | Any semblance of what marriage once was disappeared long ago, and the Supreme Court’s judgement has only rubber stamped what is already a reality.

Revisiting Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn's warnings to the West | Jerry Salyer | The Russian author thought it was no coincidence that Soviet Russia shared certain common problems with the West.


America's Golden Calf Moment | Carl E. Olson | Led by the murky metaphysics of Judge Anthony Kennedy, the U.S. plunges ever deeper into the dictatorship of relativism.

The Incoherent, Dangerous Formulations of Justice Kennedy | Russell Shaw | Does Kennedy imagine he is being magnanimous in allowing free speech under the First Amendment to those who disagree with him?

After Obergefell: The Effects on Law, Culture, and Religion | Sherif Girgis | The revisionist view of marriage that the Supreme Court has taken for granted is actually a blueprint for more fragmentation, more broken hearts and homes.

On Court-Imposed “Liberty” | Fr. James V. Schall, SJ | The Obergefell decision postulates a sterile kind of love—an imitation love that partakes neither of marital love nor of true friendship based on virtue.

Farewell Reality | Robert R. Reilly | Justice Kennedy and the other Justices joining him in this decision have violated the principle of non-contradiction and have passed over into insanity.

What’s the Best Way to Love Those with Same-Sex Attraction? | Carrie Gress, PhD | Janet E. Smith discusses an upcoming conference designed to assist those who minister to those with same-sex attraction.

Black Bench, D.C. | John S. Hamlon | The question before the Supreme Court is whether states will have any voice at all in how they see and handle marriage.

Cosmos, Crisis, and Thanksgiving: A Reflection on Laudato Si’ | Thomas S. Hibbs | In his encyclical, Pope Francis offers an explicitly sacramental response to the danger of the modern person being lost in the cosmos.

Concerning the "Ecological" Path to Salvation | Fr. James V. Schall, SJ | The most problematic issue that Pope Francis’ earth-warming advocacy brings up is its scientific status; at best, it is opinion backed by some evidence

"Laudato Si'" and Romano Guardini | Fr. Robert Barron | The influence of the theologian and cultural critic Guardini and his distinctive take on modernity is evident throughout Pope Francis' encyclical

Seeing Beyond Nature to Creation | Carl E. Olson | For Pope Francis, says theologian Dr. William Cavanaugh, we cannot really get to the heart of creation, ecology, or economics without theology.

Why I Welcome "Laudato Si’" | Leroy Huizenga | Francis' encyclical may have problems here and there, but it’s our job as Catholics first to listen, to read the encyclical, to pray through it, to interpret it faithfully.

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