An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Followers don't see their leaders as real people

The papal obsession with getting close and concrete
Crux: The Pope's "El Pais" interview was about many things yet mainly about one: the need for the Church to be close to people, and concrete.

The changing nature of America's irreligious explained
The Conversation: Americans are increasingly choosing not to identify with any religious tradition. But this group of irreligious people is a complex one -- with different relationships to religion.

Why even the worst cancer news won't push me to try every treatment
Religion News Service: After being diagnosed with brain cancer, Jeffrey Weiss isn't planning to ask for every treatment. His response is shaped partly by some of the Jewish traditional teachings about medical treatments.

Followers don't see their leaders as real people
Harvard Business Review: Great leaders, especially in large organizations, aren't really people. They're mental images. Here are four rules governing how people create and respond to the imaginary leaders that live in their minds.

Ohio mosque is first to join sanctuary movement
Religion News Service: A Cincinnati area mosque announced it would join the burgeoning church sanctuary movement in the U.S., possibly becoming the first Islamic house of worship to do so.

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