An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, January 22, 2018

How a Toronto church became a hit with young believers

Protestant, Muslim, Atheist, Jew: 4 leftist perspectives a year into Trump's presidency
Religion News Service: If Trump has invigorated the religious right in America, he has also galvanized the religious left.

What happens if you package the Bible as a novel instead of a textbook?
Slate: A new publishing approach could revolutionize how people process the Good Book.

Witch trials in the context of the Reformation
The Economist: A new study by two economists argues that witch hunts were a result of "non-price competition" between the Catholic and Protestant churches.

Tap and pray: Paris church introduces contactless contributions
France24: The Catholic Church has gone contactless in one parish in Paris: now you can simply touch your credit card to donate.

Hipsters of the holy: How a Toronto church became a hit with young believers
The (Toronto) Globe & Mail: With slick social media, a gospel of self-help and services that look more like Arcade Fire concerts, a Toronto congregation is bucking the global trend of aging Christian congregations.

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