An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, February 23, 2018

Charlie Rose's sins are bad enough to rescind his honorary degree

Billy Graham stood tall, even when he came up short
National Catholic Reporter: The Billy Graham that Ken Briggs knew as a journalist was a generous spirit endowed with striking personal gifts who, like many natural leaders, sometimes got in over his head. In becoming famous, he was exposed to lures of patriotism and power that seemed to compromise his potential.

Billy Graham and the gospel of American nationalistic Christianity
Religion Dispatches: With Graham's death, it's time to reconsider how his promotion of a nationalistic version of Americanized Christianity has influenced evangelicals today, Anthea Butler says.

Being Ruth Graham
Slate: Billy Graham has hovered over writer Ruth Graham's whole life, and not just because she shares a name with his wife and daughter.

I have no doubt what Billy Graham would have told the high school kids from Parkland, Fla.
Religion News Service: Richard Mouw has no doubts about what Billy Graham would say to them: Keep at it! God takes your concerns seriously, and adults need to listen to you.
Religion News Service: The face of evil

Sewanee theology professors say Charlie Rose's sins are bad enough to rescind his honorary degree
Nashville Public Radio: Professors in Sewanee's School of Theology have entered the debate over whether the university should revoke an honorary degree that it gave to broadcast journalist Charlie Rose in 2016.

Admissions leaders take a stand
Inside Higher Ed: Some school districts have threatened to suspend students who join protests for tougher gun laws. Admissions leaders at MIT and elsewhere tell applicants such suspensions won't be held against them.

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