An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, March 9, 2018

A new generation redefines what it means to be a missionary

A quiet exodus: why blacks are leaving white evangelical churches
The New York Times: It has been a scattered exodus -- a few here, a few there -- and mostly quiet, more in fatigue and heartbreak than outrage. But for many black churchgoers in majority-white congregations, the current breach feels particularly painful.
The New York Times: At the crossroads of church and race, a reporter glimpses his childhood

An appeals court keeps religious freedom within decent bounds
Religion News Service: On Wednesday, a federal appeals court said that you can't fire a transgender person just because you think gender is a gift from God that can't be changed.

A new generation redefines what it means to be a missionary
The Atlantic: Traditionally, the West sent Christian missionaries to evangelize in the Global South. In 2018, should it be the other way around?

How to get more Americans to volunteer
The Conversation: The share of people who give their time to good causes is starting to dip.

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