An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, March 12, 2018

Extraordinary medieval graffiti found in Winchester church

The last temptation
The Atlantic: Michael Gerson explains how evangelicals, once culturally confident, became an anxious minority seeking political protection from the least traditionally religious president in living memory.
The Atlantic: How Trump is remaking evangelicalism

White evangelical women, core supporters of Trump, begin tiptoeing away
The New York Times: While the men in the pulpits of evangelical churches remain among Mr. Trump's most stalwart supporters, some of the women in the pews may be having second thoughts.

The power of Wakanda
Christian Century: Getting millions of Americans to consider the merits of black armed revolution against global oppression is no small feat.

Ellsworth Kelly may have been an atheist, but his chapel is undeniably spiritual
Religion News Service: Much as he remained an atheist, American abstract painter Ellsworth Kelly, who died in 2015 at the age of 92, could not escape the lure of religious iconography.

Extraordinary medieval graffiti found in Winchester church
Christian Today: Medieval church graffiti which lay undetected for hundreds of years offers new insight into the mindset of people around the time of the Black Death, according to experts.

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