An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, April 5, 2018

Showboating is a sin

When Martin Luther King, Jr., became a leader
The New Yorker: King's Holt Street Church address, from December 5, 1955, was an exercise in ethical reasoning. With it, he must have realized that he had found his calling.

King's death remembered with pledges to confront racism
Religion News Service: The A.C.T. to End Racism Rally, seeking to "awaken, confront and transform" society about racism, drew thousands of people on Wednesday.

50 years since his death, Martin Luther King Jr.'s philosophical work is all but forgotten
Quartz: King was not simply a compelling speaker, but a deeply philosophical intellectual.

Showboating is a sin
Commonweal: The key to Catholic schools' basketball success is teamwork, rooted in some important, Scripture-based principles of Catholic social teaching: community, the common good, and solidarity.

What baseball can learn from religion
Religion News Service: The world of religion offers clues to the causes and consequences of baseball's present troubles. It also suggests what it will take to revive the great American pastime.

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