An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, June 21, 2018

Cardinal McCarrick removed from ministry

On World Refugee Day, Muslim family recalls warmer welcome in decades past
Religion News Service: Bosnian Muslim refugee is grateful to the U.S. for providing her family refuge and a home. But she looks around with sadness at the difference 20-plus years have wrought.

Evangelical leaders lament border separations, but stand behind Trump
The New York Times: If evangelical leaders were pained by the sight of children being taken from their parents, they did not directly fault Mr. Trump.

Cardinal McCarrick, former archbishop of Washington, accused of sexual abuse and removed from ministry
The Washington Post: Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, was removed from ministry Wednesday, when church officials announced that he has been credibly accused of sexually abusing a teenager -- and that he had faced three earlier allegations of sexual misconduct with adults.
National Catholic Reporter: McCarrick verdict is the latest marker on the road to conversion

A church organ's stop with symbolism centuries deep
Minnesota Public Radio: The new organ at First Lutheran Church in Bemidji has 1,400 separate pipes. But centuries of racial tension are bringing a lot of attention to one single stop that can mimic the sound of a traditional Ojibwe flute.

Geneticist Francis Collins ponders peril of biotechnology
Religion News Service: In a talk co-sponsored by organizations examining the intersection of faith and science, Francis Collins discusses the wonder and the cautions that come with biotechnology.

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