An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Supreme Court denies breakaway Episcopal group control of its churches

Amid a #MeToo culture, Southern Baptists mull ways to increase women's roles
Religion News Service: Delegates to the SBC annual meeting are having heart-to-heart discussions about future possibilities for women in a denomination that walks a "complementarian" line.
The Washington Post: Southern Baptists adopt resolutions on abuse and affairs, in a season of grappling with gender 

Sexual purity, #ChurchToo, and the crisis of male evangelical leadership
Religion & Politics: The work of #ChurchToo cannot be undertaken within evangelical churches without first re-assessing, if not dismantling, the stringent purity culture which remains a prominent feature of youth ministries, Sara Moslener says.

Supreme Court denies breakaway Episcopal group control of its churches
Religion News Service: The Episcopal Church in South Carolina is preparing to reclaim control of more than two dozen properties worth an estimated $500 million after the U.S. Supreme Court decided not to hear an appeal brought by a breakaway group of conservative Anglican congregations.

This is the face of God, according to opinions from American Christians
Newsweek: Liberals considered God more feminine and "loving," according to the study, and conservatives considered God more masculine and "powerful."

Ireland will vote in a referendum on its blasphemy law
Quartz: People in the Republic of Ireland will be able to vote in a referendum on whether the nation can speak sacrilegiously about God or sacred things without legal consequences.

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