An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, July 19, 2018

U.S. evangelicals and spread of 'prosperity gospel'

United Methodist court filings detail proposals for averting schism on sexuality
Religion News Service: Documents filed with the United Methodist Church's top court are shedding first light on specifics of long-awaited proposals to avoid schism in the second-largest Protestant denomination in the United States.
UM News: Court docket details proposed plans for UMC 

Vatican-approved journal strikes out at U.S. evangelicals and spread of 'prosperity gospel'
Associated Press: A Vatican-approved journal has dismissed "prosperity gospel" as a pseudo-theology dangerously tied up with the American dream and President Trump's politics, launching its second major critique of U.S. evangelicals in as many years.

New data reveals a drastic drop in U.S. refugee resettlement. Here's why it matters
Deseret News: Practically speaking, the decline will have very little effect on individual refugees seeking a new home. But the symbolic value of America's actions carries more weight.

Americans quit church but still search for meaning, now as loners
National Review: Traditional religion has social value. The individualistic quest for spirituality tends to leave the seeker isolated.

Why Mariia Butina wasn't the only Russian attending the National Prayer Breakfast
Religion News Service: A new Department of Justice affidavit alleges that a Russian national tried to exploit the National Prayer Breakfast as a back channel to American politicians. Evidence suggests Russian connections to the religious event run deep.

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