An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, November 29, 2018

How Salvation Army's red kettles became a Christmas tradition

Crystal Cathedral, home to the 'Hour of Power,' transforms into Catholic seat
Religion News Service: The restoration of the former home of televangelist Robert Schuller as the seat of the Roman Catholic bishop of Orange will accommodate California's latest religious boom.

How can we strengthen faith formation classes?
America: Catholic prep school is taking a radical approach and throwing out the traditional theology curriculum in junior high in favor of "conversational catechesis."

How Salvation Army's red kettles became a Christmas tradition
The Conversation: Around this time of the year, Salvation Army's red kettles become visible as part of holiday giving. How this British evangelical organization came to the U.S. is interesting history.

Japanese museum finds rare scroll from country's early Christians
Crux: A Christian scroll found in a Japanese museum is believed to be from the earliest days of Christianity in the country, researchers have said.

Flying pastor wasn't the first to get creative for a sermon
The (Memphis) Commercial Appeal: The Rev. Bartholomew Orr may be the first pastor to fly down from church rafters to deliver a Sunday sermon, but he's far from the first to use quirky props and stunts to deliver a message

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