An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, November 26, 2018

The Conundrum of Progressivism

50 Years of Effete and Infertile Liturgical Culture Is Enough

Anthony Esolen

Last Sunday I was away from home, which means trouble. It means I do not attend Mass at the chapel of Saint Thomas More College, where I teach, or at Northeast Catholic College, which is in the town where we live. It means I must hear Mass, or have Mass drummed into my ears, somewhere […]

The Conundrum of Progressivism

James Kalb

Progressivism, the view that modern political tendencies should continually be extended, has deep roots. Its beginnings are closely connected to the rise of modern natural science, which rejects the contemplative ideal of knowledge in favor of prediction and control. This approach, which stresses observation, measurement, and mathematical modeling, has led to modern technology and industry. […]

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