An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, February 15, 2019

A year after Parkland, we are all numb

A year after Parkland, we are all numb
Religion News Service: When it comes to shootings in America, we have all become numb. We barely notice them anymore. We have come to accept them as part of everyday life, says Jeffrey Salkin.

Revisiting the legacy of Howard Thurman, the mystic of the civil rights movement
Religion & Politics: This month, local PBS stations will premiere an hour-long documentary about a theological giant of the twentieth century, Howard Thurman.

A new exposé on homosexuality in the Vatican is coming out next week. What can we expect?
America: A new book claiming to expose what the author alleges is hypocrisy from leaders of the Catholic Church over issues of homosexuality will be published next week, coinciding with the start of Vatican summit to discuss the church's ongoing problems in addressing clerical sexual abuse.

Black lives matter to me. Tragically, they mattered little in my segregated upbringing
Baptist News Global: Molly T. Marshall says that ongoing indignities such as using blackface for entertainment (in the not too distant past) call to mind her own segregated and racist upbringing.

Evolution, providence and the Trinity
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Evolutionary theory posed profound problems for Christian theism. But, Sarah Coakley asks, can we envisage a coherent relation between a good, providential deity and the unfolding created process?

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