An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Censoring Pro-life Ireland

Understanding and Combating the Francis Effect

Jonathan B. Coe

Early in his pontificate the Catholic Left gushed about the Francis Effect, which mainly reflected their hopes and dreams that the new Holy See would advance their “progressive” agenda. Progressive is usually code for departing from the teachings of Scripture and Tradition. And they predicted this would attract new converts and reverts who had been […]

Keep Sacred Music Sacred

K. E. Colombini

Like a voice calling out from the wilderness, there are times when some of the strongest and wisest words from a bishop arise not out of the cultural centers of the world, like Rome or New York, but rather from unexpected places. This should not really be a surprise, as bishops designated for the major […]

Spiritual Egalitarianism is Deadly

Anthony Esolen

“It’s not going to be long now,” says the doctor, as you stand beside the bed of your loved one. “Shall I send for the head of the Liturgy Committee?” Some years ago, on the island where we live during the summer, the bishop assigned a new priest and told him that his job was […]

Censoring Pro-life Ireland

K. V. Turley

On February 22, 2019, The Irish Times reported that “a four-year-old child, who was found to have been injured at 20 weeks’ gestation, is to receive €45,000 damages for personal injury arising from an accident in a [supermarket] store.” The Irish Times went on to report that the judge declared that the injury of an […]

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