An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, February 18, 2019

Haunted by McCarrick

Haunted by McCarrick

Julia Meloni

Theodore McCarrick the ex-cardinal has now been defrocked—just in time for the media coverage swirling around Pope Francis’s sex abuse summit this week. But McCarrick the kingmaker, McCarrick the narrative-spinner still lives on, a spirit too towering to retire. In 2002, McCarrick worked the media as the “attractive public face” of the sexual abuse crisis. […]

Good Bishops Willingly Defy Hostile Cultural Elites

Joseph Woodard

How many tax collectors might have worked in first century Palestine? Every time Jesus of Nazareth associated with sinners, his pariahs of choice were tax collectors. He uttered the phrase “tax collectors and sinners” over a dozen times in the Synoptic Gospels and paired tax collectors and prostitutes—notably smacking the Pharisees with, “Truly I tell […]

Being a “Gardiner” in the Vineyard: On Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Emily Linz

Pride and Prejudice: the book that tends to make ladies giggle with glee and gentlemen roll their eyes in annoyance. But beyond the tea-time social drama and the range of reaction from the sexes, there lies in this novel a vision of humanity and society. The more I see of the world, the more am […]

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