An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vatican II’s Definition of Church Makes Sense

Cardinal Dolan Gets Canon Law Wrong on Abortion

Monica Migliorino Miller

“Ghoulish, grisly, gruesome.” These are the strong words used by Cardinal Timothy Dolan to describe the Reproductive Health Act signed on January 22 by Catholic governor of New York Andrew Cuomo that, with a broad definition of heath, permits abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy. When the cardinal appeared on Fox and Friends January 28, to […]

The Church Needs Children

K. E. Colombini

“Let the children be, do not keep them back from me; the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matt. 19-14) Recently in these pages, I wrote about a local traditional Latin Mass parish and a modern parish renewal program called “Rebuilt,” which was developed by a suburban parish outside of Baltimore. I noted […]

The Exhumation of the Equal Rights Amendment

Stephen M. Krason

Some readers may have noticed the campaign in some states to “ratify” a constitutional amendment proposal that people thought had died almost forty years ago. Remember the Equal Rights Amendment, which was a major feminist rallying point in the 1970s? Proposed by Congress in 1972, after the idea had kicked around for fifty years, it […]

The Cultural Train Wreck That Is Hollywood

Tom Allen

Ours is a tragic age, but based on my cultural observations over the Christmas holidays, hardly anyone appears to be taking it tragically. Instead, people are blissfully adrift; eating, drinking, marrying, and being given in marriage. Few seem to be noticing the red tide rising. The holidays always afford me the opportunity to take the […]

Comfort My People

Fr. George W. Rutler

The name of the step-brother of William the Conqueror was a palindrome, and the ladies who made the Bayeux Tapestry must have enjoyed embroidering it and the caption under the scene of Odo at the Battle of Hastings. A year after the Norman Conquest, he became Duke of Kent, assuming vast lands and power, but […]

Why Vatican II’s Definition of Church Makes Sense

Casey Chalk

One of the most common criticisms of the Second Vatican Council is that it changed the teaching regarding the relationship between the idea of the Church of Christ and the Roman Catholic Church. Much of the debate among interpreters (and detractors) of Vatican II has centered around the phrase subsistit in, found in the conciliar […]

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