An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 12, 2019

Benedict XVI addresses Church’s sex-abuse scandal

Pro-life event met with protests at UC-Berkeley: Pro-abortion protesters hold up coat hangers during talk, pro-life banner throw into river

US, Holy See observe 35th anniversary of diplomatic relations: President Ronald Reagan officially recognized the Vatican in 1984 during pontificate of Pope John Paul II

Liturgy of Lament held at St. Dorothy’s Church in Glendora: Scripture, song, litany of repentance, and a lighting of candles leading to a call for God’s blessing precede two-hour victim survivor listening session

People could see this coming: Parents, teachers react to closing of Star of the Sea School; some were seen leaving the front door with tears in their eyes

Abby Johnson tells parents why ‘Unplanned’ received R rating: Movie does not have profanity; the Lord’s Name is not taken in vain or disrespected; there is no nudity, no immodesty, and no sex or “suggestive” moments

Farmworker shelter loses its biggest donor: After Our Lady of Guadalupe Shelter started taking in asylum seekers, Mary Ingebrand-Pohlad decided not to renew her contribution

Benedict XVI addresses Church’s sex-abuse scandal: Pope Emeritus says crisis cannot be understood apart from its wider social context and the concurrent collapse of Catholic moral theology

San Diego parish seeks to curb incidents of after-Mass road rage: Bad parking lot reviews on Yelp prompt Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish to erect placards listing the fruits of the Holy Spirit, among them patience, kindness and self-control

Parish’s Lenten outreach provides water to Navajo poor: Parishioners of St. Dominic Church in San Francisco raise funds to help bring water to homes of four impoverished New Mexico families

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