An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, April 15, 2019

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Benedict’s Essay: The Voice of a True Father

Jim Russell

Why the uproar from some Catholic pundits regarding the recently released essay on the abuse crisis from Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI? I think it’s pretty simple—regardless of what else one thinks of Benedict (and most of the critics were never fans of his), he speaks and write with a voice that is truly paternal. The […]

A Remedy for the Catechetical Poverty of Our Time

Christian Browne

Amidst the divisions and frustrations that mark the Church of our time, there are, quietly dispersed throughout the Mystical Body, clergy and laymen striving for the recovery and promotion of the Apostolic Faith. Their good work, and the renaissance it will bring about is easily obscured, as it is rarely offered a proper place in […]

The Divine Tragedy of Achilles

Sean Fitzpatrick

As the heroes of The Iliad are slain in blood, Homer gives each of them an epitaph in poetry, that they may die not as expendable masses, but as men with names. Even as they fall, death swirling round them, the blind poet looks for the monument of man, decrying its absence while railing at […]

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