An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, April 15, 2019

Happy Easter! with Pastor Carlos

Happy Easter!

Some years ago, I had the privilege of going on retreat for a week at a Greek Orthodox monastery. It was during the Easter season. Every day, in the very early morning, while it was still dark, a monk would awaken all of us who were staying in the guest lodge by knocking on our doors and saying loudly in Greek, “Christ is Risen!” He startled me the first morning, but then I made sure to be up before he came the other days!

Looking back, I remember a conversation with the abbot there which led me to see my life at the time with renewed hope. Still today, I believe that thanks to the resurrection, we can live in hope. Our hope is rooted in the Easter proclamation that Christ is victorious over sin and death. And so today, we proclaim with joy that Christ has risen.

And more than proclaiming the resurrection, we are called to participate in the mystery of how Christ passed from death to life. Sacramentally, this occurred with our elect (our parishioners who received the Sacraments of initiation) last night at the vigil. The rest of us are called to renewal in living in Christ. Living fully as God intends us to live glorifies God, St. Irenaeus wrote. Yet as St Augustine wrote, this is a process, since we are “on the way to God.”

Thank you for your generosity today and for your contribution for the Easter flowers. The flowers decorating now the church that had no flowers during Lent is symbolic of how God can make our lives flourish. We, who are the living temple of God, can be an offering pleasing to God each day. Just like we might have been intentional about giving something up during Lent, perhaps we can find a specific way to give praise and thanks to God this Easter.

God Bless, Fr. Carlos, OSA

Sunday, April 21, 2019 — Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

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