An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, April 19, 2019

How to avoid anti-Judaism this Easter

We should preach about the death penalty on Good Friday
National Catholic Reporter: To avoid preaching about the evil of the death penalty on Good Friday is akin to not preaching about the joy of the resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Black women cracking 'stained-glass ceilings' with Jesus' 7 last words
Religion News Service: Churches across the country are hosting Good Friday services this year that feature seven African-American female preachers expounding on the last seven phrases uttered by Jesus before his crucifixion.

Holy Week and the hatred of the Jews: How to avoid anti-Judaism this Easter
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Christians called Jews -- the collective, all Jews -- "Christ-killers." How can a gospel of love be proclaimed, if that same gospel is heard to promote hatred of Jesus's own people?

St. Peter reborn: A gay, black preacher and his diverse congregation merge with one of Houston's oldest white churches
The Houston Chronicle: As two Houston churches merged, St. Peter's received the vibrant young people its congregation had prayed for.

For survivors of clergy abuse, watching a beloved cathedral go up in smoke felt viscerally familiar
Baptist News Global: Those who have experienced harassment, abuse and even rape at the hands of clergy have been watching their sacred space burn for years.

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