An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, April 18, 2019

Life's work: An interview with Bishop Michael Curry

U.S. church membership down sharply in past two decades
Gallup: The percentage of Americans who report belonging to a church, synagogue or mosque at an all-time low, averaging 50% in 2018.

From slavery to freedom: Rediscovering the meaning of Passover
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Passover is the journey each of us is invited to take from slavery to freedom, writes Rabbi Jonathan Sacks.

Notre Dame fundraising efforts inspire people to donate nearly $2 million to rebuild burned Louisiana churches
CNN: As hundreds of millions of dollars roll in to rebuild the Notre Dame, people have been inspired to donate to three churches in Louisiana that were intentionally burned down.

Life's work: An interview with Bishop Michael Curry
Harvard Business Review: HBR talks to the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church about his career and leadership.

Let he who is without Yeezys cast the first stone
The New York Times: Should pastors wear $5,000 sneakers? There's been soul-searching recently over materialism in houses of worship.

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