An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Democrats excommunicate pro-life Catholics

Democrats excommunicate pro-life Catholics: Sanders, Buttigieg push for extreme abortion laws, top pro-life Democrat quits party
L.A. religious education congress promoted by archdiocese: Criticized by faithful Catholics
Catholic college presidents say they need Fr. James Martin: He will help with unisex bathrooms, ­non-binary language 

Bishop Paprocki on how to deal with gender confusion: Comparison to anorexia
Taking advantage of people in mourning: While family and friends attend funerals, thieves target cars parked at Catholic cemetery in Stockton
Mary is the living rosary: 15-second homily excerpt from Father Joseph Fessio  

Nine windows smashed at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco: Interfaith Council voices support
San Francisco’s Bixby Center – abortionist seedbed: Feb. 18 report on training financed by Gates, Packard, Hewlett, Buffett money
Crowdfunded Christian TV series making big changes in entertainment: “The Chosen” depicts the life of Christ and streams through equity crowdfunding app

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