An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, March 14, 2020

how to distribute Communion

Arkansas diocese cancels public Triduum services, but keeps ministry alive
As efforts to thwart the coronavirus pandemic continue, one diocese has announced that public Masses will be suspended until after the celebration of Easter, and that only new...  

Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Ukraine consider how to distribute Communion
The coronavirus pandemic has prompted discussions in Ukraine over whether precautions should be taken related to the reception of Holy Communion, especially as many in the country...

Trump declares national emergency over coronavirus
President Donald Trump declared a state of national emergency on Friday, March 13, and outlined plans to help fight the spread of COVID-19.

House readies coronavirus response bill
The House on Friday readied a bill for passage to fund a response to the Coronavirus pandemic, including free virus testing and paid sick leave.

European Court of Human Rights declines to hear cases of pro-life midwives
The European Court of Human Rights has declined to hear the case of two Swedish nurses denied midwife jobs because of their refusal to perform abortions.

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