An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Prison chaplains adapt as coronavirus limits their ministry

Lt. governor and aspiring Jesuit has long record on 'abortion rights'
While Washington’s governor has praised the decision of his state’s lieutenant governor to enter the Society of Jesus after his term of office ends, the political...

Ohio AG: abortion clinics can't use resources needed for coronavirus fight
Ohio’s abortion clinics are wrongly using resources that should be conserved for health care workers fighting the new coronavirus, and these clinics must halt all...

Newark archdiocese campaigns for parishes facing coronavirus cash crunch
Many parishes have suffered a sharp drop in donations following the loss of in-person Sunday collections because of the suspension of public Masses.

Prison chaplains adapt as coronavirus limits their ministry
The worldwide outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) is beginning to touch one of the populations in the United States most vulnerable to disease: the incarcerated.   

Portugese bishops invite nations of the world to be consecrated at Fatima
On Wednesday, nations from around the world can be consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in a liturgy to be celebrated at the Sanctuary of Our...

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