An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, March 20, 2020

The faithful response to coronavirus: protect one another

United Methodist Church postpones General Conference amid coronavirus
Religion News Service: The United Methodist Church has postponed its 2020 General Conference -- where delegates were expected to take up legislation to split the denomination -- over concerns about the spread of COVID-19.

A megachurch has nearly 1,000 people tested for coronavirus in two days*
Washington Post: On Sunday, Alabama's largest church stopped its in-person worship services. By Tuesday, it started hosting drive-through coronavirus tests in one of its parking lots.

Coronavirus is forcing black churches to make tough choices
Zora: What responsibilities do pastors owe to their congregants to keep them safe?

20 prayers to pray during this pandemic
Christianity Today: As COVID-19 sends the globe into crisis, it also sends us to our knees.

Will the shift to remote teaching be boon or bane for online learning?
Inside Higher Ed: Because of COVID-19, most professors and students suddenly find themselves forced to use technology as they teach and learn. A panel of experts explores whether that will help or hurt attitudes about online education.

What if Easter, Passover and Ramadan get canceled?
Religion News Service: For many faith groups, spring is one of the most important times of the year.

Using the love commandment to talk COVID-19 with kids
Sojourners: As adults are forced into major social and work-related changes, we can quickly lose patience with our children, forget their perspective matters, and resort to "just do it"-type responses.
Sojourners: Loving your neighbor during a pandemic, according to kids

Religious apps to help you go to church while socially distancing
CNET: You can still connect with your faith community online. Here's how.

The faithful response to coronavirus: protect one another
CNN: While gathering together with our communities in worship is central to our faiths, so is the preservation of life.

Church of England restricts weddings to five people
The Guardian: Coronavirus crisis means baptisms will also have to be scaled back.

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