Who is Seven J? From the slums and gutters of the hood, by grace alone Seven J has triumphed over his circumstances. Single mother house...
“So once again, I, the LORD All-Powerful, tell you, "See that justice is done and be kind and merciful to one another! Don't mistreat widows or orphans or foreigners or anyone who is poor, and stop making plans to hurt each other." Zechariah 7:9-10 CEV
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After all, Brethren, the whole end of Theology is love. It seems hard to realize that that is so, but so it is. If your theology does not make you more loving, it has not Christianized you and to that extent is not a Christian theology... All ecclesiasticism and all doctrinalizing are in order to form character, and the soul of character is love. Preach the truth in love, and for the development of love. ... Nathaniel J. Burton (1822-1887)
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