An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Sunday, March 20, 2022

Preparing for an uncertain future

Study: Christians, Jews and Muslims encounter workplace discrimination differently
Religion News Service: Rachel Schneider, one of the report’s authors, said workers often experienced religious discrimination in the form of microaggressions — such as stereotyping and othering.
Coming to a school near you: Stealth religion and a Trumped-up version of American history*
Salon: Hillsdale College’s charter school network pushes “patriotic education.” Critics say it’s propaganda.
Why Pew’s new study on Black Catholicism is critical for US church leaders
National Catholic Reporter: “The information provided by the study can, and should, inform scholars like me in addition to national, diocesan and parish leaders in our work.”
Preparing for an uncertain future
Inside Higher Ed: Theological school leaders say their institutions need to respond to changing times and new challenges. A philanthropic foundation wants to help them do so.
Mental health and the Black church
United Methodist News: Barna research shows that 15% of Black church attendees experienced direct loss as a result of COVID-19, compared to 7% of white church attendees during the same period.

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