God has revealed himself to us and has shown us his face. In the person of Jesus, God is communicated to humanity in a unique way. Jesus has spoken to us about the things of the Father. Jesus has told
us about the mysteries that are in God. Among these mysteries, the truth of faith revealed to us, by the grace of God, is the mystery of the Trinity: One God and Three Divine Persons, equal in dignity, eternity, divinity, nature and essence, but at the same time each Person is different and unique.
It is true that human
words fall short to be able to express the totality of the Truth that is God in
himself, and we make use of our language to understand the Mystery. But, despite
the limited nature of our language, the knowledge that we come to have of God
is by design of God himself, let us remember a phrase of Jesus said to Peter in
the Gospels: “Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah; for flesh and blood has not
this to you, but my heavenly Father.” (Mt 16: 17). It is not the intention to
make a treatise on the Holy Trinity, but it is the opportunity to contemplate
the Truth of God that was revealed to us in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus himself
who, by sending the apostles to preach the gospel, also names the persons of
the Trinity, by ordering that all those who believe in the Good News must be
baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit (Mt 28: 19).
Let's think for a moment
about the example that our patron saint, Saint Patrick, used to explain the
Trinity: the 3 leafed clover, a sign from nature representing Unity and
Trinity. On this day, when we contemplate the mystery of God, One and Triune,
let us also contemplate the love with which God has created everything, the
love with which he has redeemed everything, and the love with which he
sanctifies everything because God is love and love can do everything.
Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA
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