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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

4 in 10 evangelicals say they’ve been visited by the dead

4 in 10 evangelicals say they’ve been visited by the dead*
Christianity Today: In a recent Pew Research Center survey, 42 percent of self-identified evangelicals said they had been visited by a loved one who had passed away.
Meet the pastor behind that ‘quitting the church’ essay
Religion News Service: A pastor's last thoughts on leaving the ministry sparked a national conversation about clergy health and the future of the church.
Vatican beatifies Polish family executed by Nazis for sheltering Jews
The Guardian: It is the first time that an entire family has been beatified.
Retired pastor’s book finds Methodist history ‘strangely lukewarm’ on confronting racism
Baptist News Global: If United Methodists are to fulfill the church’s current mission to dismantle racism, then its white members must come to terms with the denomination’s racist history, contends author John Elford.
‘He’ll ruin your life the way his daddy ruined ours’*
The Atlantic: What my broken father showed me about the goodness of God.

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