VOTE ~ Christian Voter Apathy Could Shape The 2024 U.S. Election ~ VOTE

An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, November 8, 2023



At the end of today's gospel (Mt 25, 1-13) Jesus gives us a very clear warning about always being prepared because the least expected moment may be the final moment in which we have to present ourselves before God. While we have this warning in mind, Jesus has explained in the gospel the attitude of vigilance and preparation that is expected of us Christians. Using the parable of the ten virgins, Jesus asks us to commit our lives to Him and His mission. Of those ten virgins, only five of them were foresighted and prepared in case they needed more oil for their lamps. This ability to foresee what might happen and be prepared for the unexpected is the attitude that is praised by Jesus. On the other hand, the other five only settled for what was immediate, too confident in what they already had; or, overcome by laziness, they are not able to consider the unexpected.

It stands out in the parable that the five young women without foresight to ask the others to share the oil they have, and they refuse to share it, and with just reason, the oil they have will only be enough for them, not for all of them. It seems like a selfish attitude, and we could even point out that it is not a supportive attitude, but let's remember this: all of them were given the same opportunity to have a little more oil, only some did not take advantage of that opportunity.

God continues to give each of us opportunities so that we can have all the good fruits that He expects from each one of us. Time is ticking and we only have today, let's make use of this valuable time and use it wisely, preparing for an encounter that will be inevitable, because before God we will be presented. May the Lord allow us to have the fruits that He Himself expects from each one, so that at the end of our lives we will be invited to come to His promised banquet. Amen.

Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA

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