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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, December 12, 2023



During the time of Advent, it is common for the readings to remind us of some biblical characters in particular. Among these, we have the person of John the Baptist, who, being in the desert and moved by the Spirit of God, is proclaiming hope and conversion. John speaks of repentance to a people who must prepare well to receive the Lord himself who is soon arriving.

It stands out how in today's gospel (John 1: 6-8 & 19-28) the Pharisees ask John about his identity: Who are you? The personality that John projected in the desert, with the strength of his words and the coherence of his actions, made not only people wonder about his identity, but also led many to wonder about their own identity. Who am I? Maybe we Christians need to be spoken to with strength and courage from God once again, because quite a few of us have forgotten who we are. We call ourselves Christians but our words and actions no longer speak of Christ and his gospel. In order to answer the question about our identity, it is necessary to understand that our identity is referred to a specific person: Christ Jesus, this is why it is important to have an authentic relationship with the Lord, because if the roles are clear to us and we end up listening to a voice that is not that of Christ, then we still have a long way to go for Christ to be all in all.

May this season of Advent be a time of grace in which, listening to the voice of God, we allow ourselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit, and we can confess Jesus Christ as our Lord and our Savior. Amen.

Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA

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