An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, September 26, 2024

2 Weeks With UKs Strictest Anglican Nuns


Mar 8, 2024 Our girl Stacey Dooley is back with another documentary feature as she spends 10 days living alongside the nuns of St Hilda's Priory Order of the Holy Paraclete, in Whitby! Stacey's life is a whirlwind. Her balance between work and life has always been a struggle. Although she's not a religious person, at the convent she is given the unique opportunity to try and connect to the rhythms of a deeper, slower, quieter and more meaningful way of being. Stacey will be adhering to the nun's strict timetable, eating meals in silence, learning how to pray and singing in their choir. Very little has changed at the convent in the 115 years since its foundation however this way of life is dying out. How will Stacey cope with the sisters' strict lifestyle and what can she learn to make her life more meaningful?

彼女は信仰深い人間ではありませんが、修道院では、より深く、よりゆっくりと、より静かで、より意味のある生き方のリズムに接するユニークな機会が与えられています。ステイシーは修道女の厳格なスケジュールに従い、黙って食事をし、祈り方を学び、聖歌隊で歌います。修道院は設立以来 115 年間ほとんど変わっていませんが、この生活様式は消えつつあります。ステイシーは修道女たちの厳格な生活様式にどのように対処し、人生をより意味のあるものにするために何を学ぶことができるでしょうか。 

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