An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, September 5, 2024

A moment which is precisely called “Effetá”


Within the Rite of Baptism there is a moment which is precisely called “Effetá”, it is the moment in which the person who receives the baptism is prayed over, pointing to the ears and mouth, so that when the time comes the newly baptized listen to the Word of God and proclaim it with his/her lips. This part of the baptism rite has its origin in the approach of the deaf man who had a speech impediment to Jesus as narrated in today's gospel (Mark 7: 31-37). When Jesus grants the deaf man who had a speech impediment the ability to hear and speak, he has granted him the possibility of communicating with his loved ones, establishing links through listening and speaking. Sharing the miracle with others so that they might believe and become healed. But these new links are not only possible with others, it is also about being able to establish links with God, who wants to be heard and with whom we can have a dialogue.

What prevents us today from listening to God and others? Do we want to listen? Who do we listen to today? Who are we talking to today? With whom are we establishing bonds of friendship and brotherhood? How is our communication?

A relationship like the one that Christ offers us (John 15: 15) can be carried out between equals due to our dignity (all created in the image and likeness of the same Creator - (Gen 1:27) God); Therefore, it is enough to discover something of myself in the other to initiate an approach that generates a friendship that is cultivated through dialogue. It is possible for me to know the other and it is possible for the other to know me. I carry something of the other in me, and the other carries something of me in him/her, because we know each other. This wonderful exchange is necessary for all of us, first because we must have an open and real relationship with the Creator; and second, because the opportunity to create a community with others allows us to find the place where we can interact to discover ourselves thanks to the establishment of healthy relationships.

Today Jesus also approaches us and places us before Him to heal any impediment we have that prevents us from communicating adequately with God with each other and our world.

Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA

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