An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, September 26, 2024



In the first part of the gospel (Mk 9: 38-43. 45 47-48) the apostle John denounces another person whom he does not know, but who seems to be capable of acting as if he were a disciple of Christ. Jesus responds soon by saying that no one can act in his name if they do not really know him, therefore this unknown other is also building the Kingdom, since the Kingdom is not the property of a few, but it is the commitment of all.

Following this incident, the importance of knowing how to welcome everyone who comes in the name of Christ with the Good News is mentioned. Since being generous and knowing how to treat a messenger of the gospel of Christ obviously has a reward, which will be able to access the kingdom. that is being proclaimed. Likewise, Jesus appears warning those who have the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel to avoid giving cause for scandal, as this would indicate that they do not live what they proclaim, thus betraying Christ himself and the gospel that was entrusted to them.

The last phrases of today's gospel (Mk 9: 38-43. 45 & 47-48) are hard to hear, however, we must also be careful about interpreting them inappropriately. These phrases of Jesus are an invitation to discover in ourselves those things that prevent us from having a true experience of God, understanding that this experience must necessarily involve the exercise of charity and service to our neighbor. What attitudes prevent us from approaching God and our neighbor as Christ has taught us? What should we give up to allow ourselves to be transformed by the gospel of Christ?

Let us keep in mind all those people who have consecrated themselves to the service of the gospel, asking God to grant them his Spirit and the grace to be faithful and consistent with the gospel that has been entrusted to them.

Fr. Carlos Flores, OSA

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