An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Indonesia Unveils the World’s Tallest Statue of Jesus

Nearly thirty papal appointments to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith


6 of the new consultants are women

Indonesia Unveils the World’s Tallest Statue of Jesus, A New Symbol of Faith

Lim Kym

Located in an area of Indonesia with a significant Christian population, North Sumatra is home to more than a million Catholics and over four million Protestants, according to the Central Statistics Agency

Maronite Cardinal of Lebanon speaks out on Israeli aggression against Lebanese civilians


In a statement, the Maronite cardinal condemns the use of two-way devices «to kill indiscriminately» in the operation against Hezbollah. The provisional toll stands at 37 dead and 2,931 wounded, some seriously. Shia movement leader Nasrallah says the northern front will remain active until the end of the aggression in Gaza.

A Korean Virgin Mary in the Pope’s Vatican Gardens


Measuring nearly two meters in height, the mosaic was crafted by renowned Korean artist Sim Soon Hwa and molded in the famous marble workshops of Carrara, Italy. Its installation in the Vatican Gardens is not only a significant honor but also a reminder of the deep connection between the Vatican and Korea

Bishop Who Was Excommunicated Will Participate in the Synod on Synodality

Rafael Llanes

Pope Francis appointed Bishop Zhan Silu, substituting Monsignor Anthony Yao Shun, Bishop of Jining, who attended the Synod last year. In regard to the reason for the change, Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, SJ, Archbishop of Luxembourg and Relator General of the Synod on Synodality, said that “the Secretariat of State has given us the names, but we have no other information about this.”

How Do Germans Perceive the Person of Jesus Christ?

Rafael Llanes

The survey, which interviewed 2,002 adults, showed that 30% see Jesus as a model to follow, whereas 47% reject Him in that sense. 15% of the participants did not know how to answer the question and 9% did not give any information. According to the data, 32% of the men regard Jesus as a model, whereas in women the percentage is slightly lower, namely, 29%.

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