An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, December 16, 2024

African Methodist Episcopal Church upholds stance against same-sex marriage

Latest Vatican mystery surrounds missing keffiyeh from Palestinian nativity
Religion News Service: The appearance of a keffiyeh on a Palestinian-made nativity scene at the Vatican caused a stir. So did its sudden disappearance.

Santa, maybe? Why we have different names for who ‘hurries down the chimney’ on Christmas
The Conversation: Have you never wondered how he became a man of so many names? From St. Nick to Santa to Kris Kringle, it’s a marvel that Rudolph isn’t completely confused about whom exactly he is working for.

Are Texas churches safe for liberal Christians?*
Chron: Zach Lambert, a progressive pastor in Austin, faced online criticism and death threats when announcing he voted for Kamala Harris ahead of the election.

Black denomination upholds stance against same-sex marriage. A gay pastor in its ranks seeks change
The Associated Press: When the African Methodist Episcopal Church, arguably the world’s largest independent Black Protestant denomination, held its quadrennial General Conference in Ohio in August, among the agenda items was an issue that the Rev. Jennifer S. Leath had labored over for two decades: same-sex marriage.

Episcopal Bishop Prince Singh suspended but not deposed after Title IV investigation concludes
Religion News Service: Singh’s son called the outcome “a tragic conclusion to what has been a deeply painful and retraumatizing process.”

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